Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dhokar Dalna (Potao curry with chana dal dumpling)

hi..frieds! do you believe in miracle. i believe ..and not only believe I live onto it.
If your wish has a right intention, definitely going to be true sooner or later.I stronly believe all our prayers are answered, just you need to be patient.
Ramkrishna Paramhansa (Indian saint) said, Diamond cannot be polished without friction,Gold cannot be purified without fire.
Good people go through trials but don't suffer.With that experice their life becomes better,not bitter.
I wanted to share some stories for long but probbaly right time not came. Nothing happen before your turn and time comes.
I will tell you today two stories ..I have much more in my stock but I think for this session two is fine ..
First story: People who are aesthetic might believe its a concidence..never mind.
Before my marriage I used to visit ISCKON temple very frequently. I remember those days I was posted in B'lore (Southern part of India).
Life was fun ! uhh! Good friends, room mates and colleagues means you can say life was full of colors!
During those days ISCKON was one of my major attraction in B'lore...very nice peaceful environment and devine songs used to make me crazy..
My parents were looking for a suitable guy for me but unfortuantely equation was not working out. Either I was rejecting them or they were rejecting me.
However, during this time once I went to ISCKON..kind of little upset annd confused. was unable to understand that life was flowing towards which direction. Climbing up the staircase to get a glimpse of Lord krishna and thousands of thoughts flowing in my mind . Suddenly one thought popped up.
My mind suddenly said.."I have a wish. If you want me to get married I have one wish, whereever you fix my marriage in that family should have your temple and you are worshipped daily there". This  thought and wish came for a second and gone. I forgot..simply forgot.
Almost six months later my marriage got fixed with a guy who was working in Mumbai but native is in Kolkata.I left my job in B'lore,relocated to Mumbai and got married finally with this guy, my hubby. D-day came. typically I had gone thorugh all rituals of marriage and finally time came to depart. Only a gal who experienced this moment can understand what she goes through..though before this moment already I spent 8 years out of my  home for college and job, still
I felt some one had cut my main vein and I was non-stop tears, heavy head and overwhelmed mind, tired body every thing put together I can only think of a black canvas.Finally reached my in-laws place, I was welcomed with lots of rituals, you can say that's a typical protocal to step into our next phase of life.And my inlaws took me to their temple, temple of lord Narayan..daly panditji comes and do worship. It seems, this lord Narayan is being worshipped for last couple of decades.I was surprised, amazed and dumb found.I just recollected, once I wished it..!!!!

Second story: In 2011 I was posted in USA,Connecticut,stamford city. We celebrate all our cultural festivals with family and friends. We can't forget our festivals beause of our sorroundings and nearest dearest don't allow us to forget but in USA situation is bit different. My mother didn't remind me of Janmashtami in her last call.From the first story you can understand I love to celebrate Janmashtami.I woke up in the morning and just followed my daily routine of taking bath and then worship.
I got some urgent call from India couldn't get time to have breakfast .Left for office and there one of my Indian clients came to my cubicle just before lunch break and informed that he would be leaving early due to Janmashtami. I felt so bad that how can I forget it!! But it's ok, conveyed Thanks to God that atleast I came to know before day ended.But we do fasting or eat some fruits at lunch on Janmastami. Problem was our office cafe had an option of frozen fruits but there were so much non-veg around, I was not comfortable eating fruits from there. I was thnking from where do I get some fruits..and it was  a long hectic day, without eating anything since morning to night would be very difficult so I was asking my Lord,you only decide and guide me.I went to wash room , came back and saw a tiffin box on my desk, which I gave it to my colleague with Rosmalai (sweet dish) few days back. OPened the box and Oh My GOD! it was full of Raspberry,Blueberry and strawbeery..
all my favorite fruits. See how much he takes care of us and felt so blessed that day!

I have taken enough let me share a very common and authentic Bengali vegentarian dish.

Dhokar Dalna:

1. one and half cups of chana dal (Cholar dal), soaked in water and make a smooth paste with salt. Put little bit of water if it becomes too dry while grinding.
2. two Bay leaves,two spoons of ginger paste, one spoon garlic paste an dne spoon onsion paste. Onion/garlic optional.
3. half cup tomato paste, 1 small spoon cumin powder and one small spoon cumin seed, 1/4 small spoon garam masala,
4. Two medium sized potatoes, turmeric powder, salt, red chilly , green chilly,sugar as per your taste.
5. Oil for fry and curry, 1 spoon ghee

Dumpling preparation:
1. Put a deep bottom pan on the oven, add chana dal paste with two cups of water.
2. Add salt, half small spoon ginger, finely chopped green chilly in that mixture. Keep stiring the mixture.
3. Mixture will become dry and tight, switch off the gas and spread the mixture on a smooth steel dish.
4. Keep this chana dal layer for some time to set and then cut into small squares/diamond shape
5. Fry this chana dal cakes in Oil

Curry Preparation:
1. Cut the pottaoes ninto medium sized cubes , mi with salt and turmeric powder and fry it, keep it aside
2. Add half small spoon cumin seed, bay leaves and add 1 spoon ginger, one spoon onion and half small spoon garlic and cumin powder.
   Add turmeric and little salt to it. Fry these spices properly.
3. Add tomato paste to it and little water. Fry these mixture  till raw smell goes off.
4. Now add potato cubes into it, mix well and fry this mixture of potatoes with spices for another 2-3 minutes.
5. At this stage add garam masala, green chilly and red chilly, add two spoons water and fry one more time.
6. Once oil starts relesing then add water, remember it should be a thick gravy and dumpling also soak water. So add water accordingly.
7. once you get the first boil, add dumplings
8. At this stage add salt to taste, little bit of sugar and one spoon ghee

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