Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fish Chiurmura

I feel so good when I spend time with my friends and its quite refreshing too !! so whenever my husband goes on office trip,I utilize it to the core. This time I went one of my friends' place in THANE,Mumbai. Thane is also becoming very crowded similar to other suburbs but the area where she is staying, is really nice, calm - peaceful. She stays with I enjoy the company of all enthu people.
I really relish all her dishes, because those are different something between Hydrabadi and Bengali with an Andamani touch. Sounds funny right?? She is Bengali, from Andaman and studied in Hyderabad, working in Mumbai. So lot of regional influences in her cooking. So this time I demanded that she has to cook for me but finally I ended up preparing fish dishes. I will tell you why.. So, morning we left for Fish market, no, please don't think its a big market with full of a typical fish market in Kolkata. only one fish shop and all Bongs are  jumping on the fishes, everyone is in hurry and wants the best one, some are shouting with all vital force "Where is my 1kg Rahu?" .."what is today's rate of tiger prawns?"..some
people are getting irritated due to delay in final deliveries. OH My GOD..if I had not visited these fish shops (which are rare in Mumbai), wouldn't have believed how many Bengalis are there in Mumbai... So total 4 resources to cut fish, one is un-scaling the fish, one person is grabbing the fish and supplying it to the back-end for cleaning and one manager who is taking orders,noting down the same in a notebook and taking the cash.Bhetki, Chittol, parse, pabda,Rahu,Katla, Kagji,Prawns with different sizes..oops! I don't know name for some of the fishes.I selected Chittol and that time I already decided menu. Chittol kalia and Fish churmura with Kagji fish.
Just fyi..all these are fresh water fish...All my fish lovers friends must be knowing that Chittol belly (peti) is one of the most desired fish in Bengal.
After seeing those big Chittol belly she surrendered and said..ohh no I don't know how to cook only manage it. Ok even I was not able to control to enjoy cooking this delicious fish. So I prepared Chittol kalia and Kagji fish churmura.And we had some left out Rahu fish head so she utilized those mixing with yesterday's louki (bottle gaurd/lau) and Patta gobhi(cabbage/badha kopi).
We had a superb feast..we all ate together and at the end of the meal we all beacme tired...because we kept eating.. and eating bony fish is a tiresome activities for all of us..we are not regular fish eater the way we used to eat fish in our childhoods..
We had a plan for aftrenoon..but afternon we had food and after that feast we were  not in a position to even get readyfor our visit to "Maa Niketan".. then around 6:15 pm we realized its too late..quickly i searched their number in google and gave a call.They confirmed that they are open till 7 pm in the evening but it was already 6:35 pm and we had to shop before going there.Thank GOD there is a super market just under her flat and we quickly grabbed some groceries like rice,lentil, cooking
oil..etc..My friends helped me to get a rick and loaded the stuff..we reached there just in time, 7pm. "Maa Niketan" is a ladies orphanage.Very neatly maintained campus, disciplined and well mannered kids, sisters are busy managing the kids..they have 4years old to 28 yers old ladies. They have a big computer lab, auditorium where kids perform different cultural activities yearly and lot of employees from different companies join as volunteer.If you attend the annual program, you can notice kids are really happy their, they are so much involved in their innocent world.We had a small discussion with sister about kids and their daily schedule...ohhh!! was feeling so good...A day before to this visit, I was asking my friend whether they have a parlour closer to her flat. So while returning she asked me, there is one Parlour Soma, if you want to.. Ohh no...I told her, I was completely relaxed, this visit was better than a head message. That's how a good environment can change our mood..Anyway I will share these two recipes Chittol and kagji fish churmura...Sorry friends I made you wait for so long ..

Fish Churmura


1. 250 gms  any kind of small fish like kagji,morola which are within 4 inch length
2. 1 medium sized onion and two green chilies
3. 1/2 table spoon turmeric powder,1/2 table spoon cumin seed powder, 2 table spoon oil, salt to taste

1/2  table spoon amchur powder, if you want little sour punch.


1. Marinate the fish with salt and turmeric and keep it for 10-15 minutes.
2. Heat the oil in a kadai or wok and put the marinated fish. stir it frequently. typically this kind fish is very soft in nature so it breaks and bones
come out. Keep stirring and during this process you can pick those center-single bones from the kadai.
3.Soon you will find you have only fish pieces left.
4.Then add cumin seed powder , chopped onion, chilies and amchur powder, stir it for 1 minute and switch off the gas.
After putting the spices and onion, you should not cook more than 1 or 1/2 minutes.

This dish can be made in south style also, like for tampering/tadka you can use mustard seeds, garlic and curry leaves.
you can add half table spoon tamarind water and serve with hot steamed rice.

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