Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Drumstick with Poppy seed

Very frequently I prepare this dish. Neither it requires too much of spices nor time. So this might not be a first choice who loves spicy food.

Ingredients :

1. Chop three drumsticks into equal pieces
2. Two potatoes cut into long slices similar to drumstick
3.  Three table spoons poppy seed paste
4. For tadka/foron 1/4 small table spoon kalonji (onion seed)/1 small spoon turmeric powder, three green chillies, sugar and salt as per your taste
5. Three table spoons oil


1. Heat the oil and add kalonji, green chilies
2.Add potatoes and drumsticks both into oil. Add turmeric and salt to it. Cover with a lead for 10 minutes.
3. Once drumsticks and potatoes are almost cooked add poppy seeds paste to it and fry until raw smell goes away. Add some sugar as per taste.

Chef's Tips:
Sometime I add half small spoon of ginger paste, you can try with ginger paste also. Add it when you start frying drumstick and potatoes.
You can have this with steamed rice and lentil

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