Monday, March 29, 2010

Cashew Cream Chicken

If you are hosting a small party and want to prepare some mouth watering chicken recipe then cashew chicken is the hot one. Once I had invited one of my friends and her family to my home for dinner. They thoroughly relished this recipe & that too with multiple servings. Later on I came to know that my friend’s husband is not a big chicken enthusiast but my chicken dish was so delicious that even he couldn’t shy away from enjoying it!!!
One heads up,this recipe is not similar to cashew chicken available in net.Please do not get confused.This is an authentic bengali dish known as kaju chicken.
1.500 gms dressed chicken 2. Three table spoon cashew nut paste 3.Two onions 4. Three-four Red chillies 5. Two table spoon curd 6. Half table spoon cumin
7. Four table spoon fresh cream 8. Ginger and Garlic each one table spoon 9.Oil (refined oil/mustard oil) 10.Turmeric powder

Add salt to the chicken and marinate it for an hour.
Chop two onions and fry it till it turns brown
Roast the red chillies & cumin seeds together and grind it.
Mix curd with it along with the ginger garlic paste.
Now fry the marinated chicken.
Add the above curd paste when the chicken turns light brown.
Add turmeric powder and only a small amount of salt as salt was already added to the chicken.
Stir it for 5-7 minutes and add cashew nut paste.
When it becomes half cooked, add the cream.
Cook till the gravy becomes thick and reddish brown.
Please do not add any water at any point in time as all the pastes and the chicken will release enough water to get the chicken cooked to full. This final dish should come out as a reddish brown near-dry chicken curry (or with a very thin layer of thick gravy)

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